You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.16. Sales - Scheduler > Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips > Viewing or Changing the Status of a Picking Slip (v2.8) > Selecting the Picking Slips to View (v2.8)
Selecting the Picking Slips to View (v2.8)

You can filter the picking slips displayed on the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab so you only view slips for a specific warehouse and/or slips in specific statuses. For KPI purposes, you can also exclude slips that have been assigned to pickers or assigned after a specific time, and you can display picking slips which match certain criteria in a different colour.

To select the picking slips you want to view:

  1. Display the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab.

Refer to "Viewing or Changing the Status of a Picking Slip (v2.8)".

  1. Complete one or more of the following fields at the top of the screen:





Warehouse View

Select a warehouse to view picking slips for. The options are:

  • Default Warehouse – view picking slips for your default warehouse only
  • All Warehouse – view picking slips for all warehouses
  • All Invoices – view all invoiced picking slips to build a courier manifest (by default, these are not displayed in the Warehouse Scheduler)
  • a specific warehouse – view picking slips for that warehouse only.

Select REFRESH or press F2 to display the picking slips for the selected warehouse(s).


Courier View

If you only want to view picking slips depending on whether or not they have been assigned to a courier, select one of the following options:

  • All – view both assigned and unassigned picking slips
  • Un Assigned – only view picking slips that have not yet been assigned to a courier
  • [Courier name] – only view picking slips that have been assigned to the selected courier.

Select REFRESH or press F2 to display the selected picking slips.

Picking slips are assigned to couriers on the Select Process Slips screen – see "Maintaining a Picking Slip (Priority, Picker, etc.) (v2.8)".


Filter by Status

If you want to filter the picking slips displayed by status, select the Status Config button to display the Select Status Filters screen.


Filter by Status

Perform one or more of the following actions:

  • check the box next to one or more options in the Type Filters column to view only slips, paperless slips, held slips, e-orders, quotes, invoices or wait/release orders, or a combination of these
  • check the box next to the individual statuses you want to view
  • check the box next to the ALL option at the top of any specific column to check all the boxes in that column, or to remove all checks from that column
  • select the All On button to view slips in all statuses
  • select the All Off button to remove all selections.

When the correct statuses are selected, select the OK button. Micronet redisplays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab showing only the picking slips in the selected status(es) and for the selected warehouse.

The Filter by Status field is now marked "Active" to show that filters have been selected.




If there are no selections on the Select Status Filters screen, Micronet displays everything – picking slips, e-orders, quotes and invoices – on the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab. If there is a large number of items to display, it can take a long time for Micronet to build and refresh the list.



Filter by KPI's

If you want to exclude certain picking slips from display, e.g. for KPI purposes, or display specific picking slips in a different colour, select the KPI Config button to display the Select KPI Filters screen.

Check the box next to each option to include or exclude certain picking slips from the display, then select OK. Micronet redisplays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab showing the picking slips matching your selections for the selected warehouse.

The Filter by KPI's field is now marked "Active" to show that filters have been selected.



Technical Tip

  • The Display Slips with allocated shades in a different colour option displays picking slips where serial numbers have been allocated in a different colour so it is easy to identify those which do not have serial numbers allocated.
  • The Display Slips in processing order (New and Modified by Sequence) option displays only the supply chain orders that require attention.
  • The Exclude Orders with DBT_USER0 (WA Release) option has been added for a specific customer. It requires a UDQ that specifies the WA Release Date and some Registry settings to be configured.

Micronet saves your filters and displays only the matching picking slips each time you open the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab.